Conference: "From the BIG BANG to the BIG FREEZE”

EVENTO Presencial TIPO Vinculación con la colectividad Quito sábado, 1 julio 2017

UPS´s branch campus in Quito invites the entire university community to take part in the project “Bihela Científica”; a project that works along with scientific institutions and communities in order to improve its relations with the public and awaken people´s interest for science.

This time, Dr. Jose Ramirez will lead the conference “El universo del BIG BANG AL BIG FREEZE”.

The Big Freeze is a standard scenario, under which the expansion continues indefinitely, it separates everything from everything, isolating the celestial bodies to total darkness

Date: July 1st

Place: Sinners Factory Pub - Mariana de Jesús y Martín Carrión, sector La Pradera 

Time: 5pm