UPS's branch campus in Quito reactivated the IEEE student branch

Quito, miércoles 29 noviembre 2017
Ceremony for the signing of the new members
Ceremony for the signing of the new members


The university's branch campus in Quito officially reactivated its IEEE student branch to work alongside research groups and strengthen technology transfer, conduct research and promote the participation of students and professors in international conferences and other academic events.

In September 2017 the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) officially reactivated this student branch which is made up by 22 students majoring in electricity and electrical engineering. The branch will be coordinated by professors Diego Carrion and Milton Ruiz; the current team is made up as follows: Edison Agreda (President), Jessica Ramirez (vice presiden), Henry Prado (secretary) and Alejandro Saragozin (treasurer). 

Esteban Inga, director of the electrical engineering undergraduate program, said that being part of IEEE provides students a series of benefits, such as the participation in international and national conferences. The branches of the network are "Power Energy Society" (PES) made up by electrical engineering students, "Women in Engineering" (WIE) and soon "Communications Society" (COMSoc) made up by telecommunications students.