Presentation of ELAN Network - Ecuador

EVENTO Presencial TIPO Vinculación con la colectividad Quito martes, 24 julio 2018

Quito’s Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Industries, Production and Employment, ProEcuador and Universidad Politecnica Salesiana invite you to the presentation of ELAN Network and the conference “Innovation for agriculture, agro industry and food”.

ELAN Network helps develop business opportunities based on technologies between Europe and Latin America and creates partnerships between different agents. 

The aim of the event is to create business opportunities and research between universities, Ecuadorian, Latin American and European companies in order to use new technologies, machinery, equipment and materials in agriculture, agro industry and fishing. 

This space focused on: renewable energies, biotechnology, bioeconomy, environmental and health technologies, new materials, information and communication technologies and nanotechnology