Forum: “Evolution, Sex and Rock´n Roll”

EVENTO Presencial TIPO Social Quito sábado, 29 julio 2017

UPS’s branch campus in Quito invites the entire university community to take part in the project titled “Bihela Cientifica”. A project carried out jointly with scientific institutions and communities in order to improve relationships with different people and awaken their passion for science. 

The topic that will be discussed during this event will be “Evolution, Sex and Rock´n Roll”, which will clarify some myths about evolutions and explain how species change with time or how new species appear. For this, they will discuss the ideas of Charles Darwin about natural selection, but they will also analyze other processes such as the random effect and migration as well as sex. Sex molds the diversity of the species that surround us. 

Sex explains dance, music, courtship and a whole range of other behaviors in animals. The processes of sexual selection explain why it is common for males to fight each other or that females are the ones that choose (almost always) ... but, how does it work in our case?

Date: July 29th

Place: Sinners Factory Pub – Address: Mariana de Jesús y Martín Carrión, sector La Pradera 

Time: 17h00   

For more information contact: 

Sabino Armenise 


Telephone: 3962800 ext. 2653