Disruptive education with ICT suggests new new teaching - learning strategies

Cuenca, jueves 21 diciembre 2017
People who attended the congress
People who attended the congress


Telefonica Movistar Foundation and "Infodesarrollo" Corporation along with Confederación de Establecimientos de Educación Católica del Ecuador (CONFEDEC) and Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE) organized an International Seminar on Disruptive Education with ICTs.

The aim of the event, held in UNAE, in the canton of Azogues, was to present and provide innovative educational solutions regarding disruptive education. 

Students from several groups, such as ASDI, GASOL and research seedbeds from Guayaquil presented five inclusive projects during the event: 

• Uso de la realidad virtual en educación en ciencias sociales y física 

• La realidad aumentada en Matemáticas y en inglés 

• La gamificación: NINTENDO SWITCH aplicado a la educación inclusiva 

• KIT Tecnológico Docente Interactivo (KIDI) 

• TICs inclusivas del CAI   

The projects for disruptive inclusion are part of the PROSOLITO macroproject of the GASOL group and its PROFETIC component that aims to professionalize and specialize teachers in the field of educational ICT and technological innovation. "The students that are part of the new generation of the GASOL, ASDI and research seed groups of the TICAD group announced how to apply the new technologies in education," said Alice Naranjo, coordinator of GASOL.

The purpose was making teachers aware of new products that favor the academic process, with playful strategies and with support in ICT. Professor Pablo Farfán Pacheco, director of UNADEDVI at UPS, presented the topic "Virtual environments from the institutional model". UNADEDVI participated in the "technological and educational corridor", a networking space where they presented the Virtual Environment of Cooperative Learning.