New members of IEEE took office

Quito, jueves 2 mayo 2019
New members of IEEE
New members of IEEE
As part of the celebration of Power and Energy Society (PES) Day 2019, members of the IEEE Student Branch organized a ceremony so that new general board members and members of RAS, ComSoc and WIE take office. During this event there were talks for students and professors of engineering majors. 

Professor Wilson Pavón welcomed everyone to the event. "It is known that the members of PES worldwide are leaders. Being part of this society represents benefits of personal and professional development", he said. He then presented the new board of professors made up by Dario Jaramillo, Lenin Aucatoma and Marcelo Garcia. 

The talks were led by Belen Vallejos, coordinator of the student activities of IEEE Ecuador, and Ronny Cabrera, coordinator of Young Professionals Ecuador. The conference on PES technical chapter was held by Diego Echeverria, president of the technical society, who highlighted the use of new information and communication technologies to improve the efficiency and sustainability of production and the distribution of electricity 

Isabel Rey, new president of IEEE, said "being a student of electrical engineering has given me great opportunities, leading the IEEE branch is one of them"
General Board of IEEE UPS - Quito Student Branch 
- Isabel Rey Sizalima, presidenta 
- Alejandro Santamaría Guayasamín, vicepresidente 
- Christopher Terán Aguilar, secretario 
- Ángel Segarra Poma, tesorero
Board of the technical chapter PES – IEEE UPS - Quito
- Alejandro Saragozín Armas, presidente 
- José Esteban Flores, vicepresidente 
- Steven Ríos Medina, secretario 
- David Ortega Escobar, tesorero 
Board of the technical chapter RAS – IEEE UPS - Quito
- Wilson Martínez Erazo, presidente 
- Marcela Saavedra de la Cueva, vicepresidenta 
- Alejandro Sandoval Revelo, secretario 
- Pablo Sunta Zapata, tesorero
Board of the technical chapter COMSOC – IEEE UPS - Quito
- Ivone Proaño Auquilla, presidenta 
- Michel Quilumba Ordonéz, vicepresidente 
- Andrés Herrera Rodríguez, secretario
- Vanessa Granda Rivas, tesorera 
Board of WIE – IEEE UPS - Quito
- Jéssica Ramírez García, coordinadora
- Diana Yánez Zambrano, vice-coordinadora 
- Xavier Paucar Tipán, secretario 
- Estefanía Merchán Chiriboga, tesorera