The UNESCO chairs program held a course on technology tools

Cuenca, lunes 21 octubre 2019
Entrega de certificados a estudiantes y profesores de la U.E. Santa Mariana de Jesús
Entrega de certificados a estudiantes y profesores de la U.E. Santa Mariana de Jesús


UNESCO's chairs program Assistive Technologies for inclusive education (Cátedra UNESCO; Tecnologías de Apoyo para la Inclusión Educativa) awarded teachers from Unidad Educativa Santa Mariana de Jesus certificates for attending the courses on Experiences of humanitarian projects, a robot assistant and tools of technological support in education.

University officials said they were happy to have successfully ended the training courses aimed at teachers from Unidad Educativa Santa Mariana de Jesus and having taught them the use of the robot assistant named "Felpudo" which they will use in class with their youngest students.

Fernando Moscoso, vice president of the university's branch campus in Cuenca, congratulated the participants and said the university is always committed to helping improve education.
Paola Suquilanda, teacher in Unidad Educatvia Santa Mariana de Jesus, spoke on behalf of everyone who attended the courses and thanked the university for its support.

"The courses were designed for you; we strongly believe we have a commitment to transfer knowledge and that later that knowledge will be provided to others", said Fernando Pesantez, general vice president of the university and director of the UNESCO chair program.

Finally, Vladimir Robles, coordinator of the UNESCO chairs program, presented the projects carried out in the university with students from different undergraduate programs