Course on security measures in laboratories

Guayaquil, viernes 10 enero 2020
Carina Hidalgo led the course
Carina Hidalgo led the course


Biotechnology students from our branch campus in Guayaquil attended the course "Good Laboratory Practices" to learn more about risk prevention and security measures.
The course was held in the "Maria Auxiliadora" campus and was attended by 60 students from different semesters. The aim of the course was to create awareness about security measures when using the labs.
The topics of the course were:
- Biosecurity measures and first aid in the laboratory
- Security norms in the laboratories
- Biosecurity and sterilization techniques
These courses allow students to learn about the technological process within the laboratory areas, checking the instructions and their results. "Additional activities related to general botany, preparation and preservation of samples are aimed at identifying plant groups and their applications in humans", said Joffre Medina, UPS professor and coordinator of the course. 
Good laboratory practice is an activity carried out to obtain data related to the properties and danger of chemical substances for people and the environment