VI International Congress on Science, Technology and Innovation for Society

Guayaquil, miércoles 12 febrero 2020
Worshops during CITIS 2020
Worshops during CITIS 2020


The university's "centenario" campus in Guayaquil held the VI International Congress on Science, Technology and Innovation for Society (CITIS 2020), an event that brought together national and international professors, who shared the results of their work in the field of industry, research, telecommunications, mobility and environmental sustainability.

About 320 attendees took part in workshops, 8 keynote lectures, 35 presentations, exhibitions of scientific posters, demonstration of prototypes developed by UPS research groups and especially the creation of new innovative ideas to improve society.

Andrés Bayolo, vice president of the university's campus in Guayaquil, said "CITIS began in 2014, created so that teachers and students could show their research in the scientific field.  The second congress in 2015 was open to local universities and in 2016 it became an international congress with a much greater impact. Currently, the sixth edition has had over 300 participants, a scientific committee of more than 60 international professors and a team that has turned CITIS into a benchmark congress in Ecuador"

Inauguration of CITIS 2020.  José Juncosa, Ángela Flores, Andrés Bayolo, P. Javier Herrán, Fernando Pesántez, Bayardo Villegas, Fernando Moscoso.

"CITIS is a way of measuring the progress of our university," said Father Javier Herrán, UPS President. "CITIS calls young people to do scientific research, motivates the desire to write, research and innovate, it is an environment of knowledge, research and commitment only to science" he stressed.

Hugo Espinosa, PhD. a speaker at Griffith University in Australia, stated: "I am pleasantly surprised by the level and amount of research, as well as the professors who publish in prestigious international journals with whom I hope to be able to cooperate, UPS is driving young people to do research on issues that may benefit society and that is what I liked most about this university."

During the closing ceremony, the organizing committee of CITIS awarded the best poster and the best presentations for each of the technical sessions that were presented. The following was taken into account for selecting the winners: originality, relevance and scientific novelty; theoretical, practical - experimental and methodological value; compliance with the format requirements in accordance with congress regulations; quality of writing; quality of exposure and impact on society. The winners were:
















"Enfoque Bayesiano en Métrica de Evaluación "Índice Kappa" para Clasificadores Machine Learning"


Ricardo Stalin Borja Robalino, Antonio Monleón Getino y José Rodellar Benedé de la Universidad de Barcelona, España










Best presentations


Sesión técnica de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sostenibilidad Ambiental.



"Conservación de recursos naturales en la fabricación de hormigones con nano partículas"


Luis Morales Gubio, Mohammad Farid, Paúl Landázuri y Walter Vásconez Urbano, de la Universidad Central del Ecuador



Sesión técnica de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Información y las Telecomunicaciones.


"Implementación de Crowdsourcing como elemento integral de la ingeniería de comunicación en el concepto Smart City "


Lukasz Przysucha, de la Universidad de Wroclaw, Polonia


Sesión técnica de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Industria.


"Extractos naturales, una alternativa conservante en la industria cosmética",


Tatiana Mosquera Tayupanta, Alejandra Medrano Jara y María Elena Maldonado Rodrígue de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Sede Quito

Sesión técnica de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Movilidad

"Análisis de una red con protocolo CAN para la detección de fallas mediante la plataforma VNT"

Héctor García Calle y Efrén Fernández Palomeque de la Universidad del Azuay