INGENIUS- The Science and Technology Journal of UPS

UPS, martes 9 febrero 2016


The new edition of INGENIUS Journal (N0 14), The Science and Technology Journal of Universidad Politécnica Salesiana is now available. This edition brings very interesting national and international articles about current topics that are valuable for the academic and scientific community.

Our expectations are that scientific dissemination continues to grow and therefore we invite everyone to read the articles written by researchers are proffesors who are sharing their knowledge with the entire community. UPS invites people to write for INGENIUS by following the journal´s regulations. 

You may send your articles for the new edition (June 2016) to
In this edition of INGENIUS you will find:

1.    Yanapay: Sistema de evacuación basado en tecnología RFID y dispositivos Android: This article is on a system that provides personal assitance in emergency situations. Authors: Patricia Ludeña G., Katty Rohoden J., César Palacios A,  Max Rohoden J.
2.    Emergency – route evacuation route finder for emergency and rescue scenarios: it is a tool based on Android technology that shows people optimal evacuation routes in case of an emergency evacuation.
Authors: Rommel V. Torres, Francisco Sandoval-Noreña,  Vicente M. Martínez.
3.    Diseño y construcción de sensores automatizados de gases de efecto invernadero en la baja tropósfera: this article is about tools that measure the concentration of CO and CH4   since they influence climate change and air pollution. Authors: Jesús Palacios, Nelson Falcón, Erith Muñoz.
4.    Effectiveness of Grey coding in an AWGN digital channel data transmission: this article is about the analysis of  error probability in data transmission in an AWGN digital channel    Author: Germán Arévalo.
5.    Adaptación del algoritmo Schmidl & Cox a sistemas de portadora única en un canal inalámbrico:  this article presents an analysis of necessary changes in the Schmidl & Cox algorythm     Authors: Wellington Espinoza, Maricela Freire, Tanny Chávez, Jorge Gómez, Boris Ramos.
6.    A proposal of an ecosystem based on intelligent ICT tools to support the diagnosis and intervention of patients with communication disorders: this article is on existing tools used for the diagnosis and the early intervention of people with disabilities and it suggests a system based on intelligent ICT tools that will automatically generate language therapy plans.  Authors: Vladimir Robles-Bykbaev, Martín López-Nores, Jorge García-Duque, José Pazos-Arias, Daysi Arévalo-Lucero, Paola Ingavélez-Guerra