The book collection "Gente en América Latina y el Caribe" won awards in the architecture biennal

Quito, viernes 25 noviembre 2016
The collection won several prizes
The collection won several prizes



On November 16th the book collection titled "Colección Ciudades de la Gente en América Latina y el Caribe"  won National and International Awards in the "E" category about Theory, History and Criticism of Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape. 

The collection, published by the Abya Yala – UPS - Publishing House, consists of four books:

 1. Casas de infinitas privaciones ¿Germen de ciudades para todos? 

2. Ciudades en construcción permanente ¿Destino de casas para todos? 

3. Procesos urbanos en acción ¿Desarrollo de ciudades para todos? 

4. Ciudades populares en disputa ¿Acceso a suelo urbano para todos? 

88 university professors involved in studies on popular cities from 16 Latin American and Carribean countries took part in this project, which was coordinated by Teolinda Bolivar (Venezuela), Jaime Erazo (Ecuador), Marcelo Roriguez (Chile), Pedro Abramo (Brasil) and Mildred Guerrero (Venezuela).

The books were produced by the Abya Yala – UPS - Publishing House and endorsed by the Latin Amercan Council of Social Sciences (CLASCO), Universidad Politecnica Salesiana (UPS), Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) andUniversidad Federal de Río de Janeiro (UFRJ)