UPS and MIPRO sign a cooperation agreement

Cuenca, martes 26 julio 2016
UPS and MIPRO representatives in the Laboratory
UPS and MIPRO representatives in the Laboratory


UPS and the Ministry of Productivity signed a bailment agreement where the Ministry of Productivity (MIPRO for its acronym in Spanish) gave the university's branch in Cuenca machines, equipment and other accessories for its laboratory that was implemented to control safety in bicycles.

The official meeting was held in one of the university's meeting rooms and attended by UPS president Javier Herran, the university's vice president in Cuenca Cesar Vasquez and the director of the laboratory Nelson Jara. On behalf of the ministry, the meeting was attended by Jorge Rosales, Jaime Abril, Ana Cox, Hugo Quintuña and Danny Jara.

This agreement was created to support the initiatives of the government and strengthen links with the industry and more specifically, with the bicycle industry, bicycle importers and bicycle dealers in Ecuador. UPS and MIPRO developed and implemented this laboratory in order to provide safety for bicycle users in the country by conducting technical tests according to the INEN 4210 standard.

To do this and in order to meet the requirements in the current regulations, they created the Limited Company titled Centro de Innovación Tecnológica Universidad Politécnica Salesiana CIA. LTDA. CITUPS, which is responsible for the management and accreditation of the laboratory.

After signing the agreement UPS and MIPRO representatives visited the laboratories and talked about how this agreement is important for the industry in Azuay and Ecuador, they highlighted how agreements between academia and the industry help the country's development.