3rd Reading Club Meeting with writer Eliecer Cardenas

Cuenca, jueves 9 julio 2015
Eliécer Cárdenas Espinoza during his talk with students
Eliécer Cárdenas Espinoza during his talk with students

The UPS Reading Club held its 3rd Meeting and this time invited writer Eliecer Cardenas Espinosa, who discussed his stories and his long writing career
In the University Library, Cardenas, told students how he became involved in literature and especially how he devoted himself to writing his books and stories.
He told students that several of his stories were inspired by real-life events and others based on the fiction. He liked to write since he was a child, he discovered his love for reading and writing as a student , and would rather write than do other recreational activities.

Students asked several questions about  his works, and the writer answered in detail. On Bullying, a question asked by one of the students, the writer explained that at the time of his childhood, there was bullying, but nobody knew anything about it. Instead, he thought it was normal or natural, as in those times, a teacher would still hit you with a ruler".  My father scolded me because he felt that it was my fault and I deserved the punishment of the teacher". Now , fortunately , this is being overcome but one of the main weapons for bullying are social networks

Carmen Alvarez, coordinator of the reading club, said it was a very enriching experience for all those who attended.