UPS students take part in volunteer programs

Quito, martes 26 julio 2016
Representatives from several institutions
Representatives from several institutions

There are currently 99 institutions that support the work done by students as volunteers, this time representatives from the following institutions attended: Hospedería Campesina La Tola, Casa Hogar Bretaña, Oratorio María Auxiliadora, Hogar de Ancianos Corazón de María, Ministerio Cristiano Casa de mi Padre,  San Juan Bautista de Cotocollao, Asociación La Dolorosa de Cayambe, Pastoral Cáritas de Conocoto, Centro de Reposo San Juan de Dios, Parroquia Hermano Miguel, sector La Magdalena, Hogar de Ancianos Nuestra Señora de Las Lajas, Iglesia Santa María del Camino, Chillogallo, Hogar Santa Lucía de Chillogallo, Unión de Mujeres del Ecuador.

The aim of the Social Action Volunteer Program is to encourage students to take part in social and political activities that will contribute to creating a culture of service, respect, kindness and intercultural acceptance. Students attend ecclesiastical institutions in order to experiment the relationship between faith and life and learn abouth the Catholic Church as a social institution that helps fellow neighbors.

During this meeting, the representatives stated that the work done by UPS students is supported by their human quality and love for others. "Students return after finishing their volunteer work to continue showing their support," said Arturo Gallardo, representative of the Hogar de Ancianos Nuestra Señora de las Lajas.

"UPS Students are different, the encounter with others is done  by sharing, direct contact and preparing lectures and workshops. They are open to several values," said Alejandra Cevallos from the Centro de Reposo San Juan de Dios.

Father Marcelo invited representatives of institutions to participate in the meeting with students from the 3 to the 7 October to learn more about the Volunteer Social Action program, which aims at training people in values from everyday practice