Labor inclusion of people with visual impairment: a challenge for society

Guayaquil, martes 12 septiembre 2017
The conference was held in UPS's branch campus in Guayaquil
The conference was held in UPS's branch campus in Guayaquil


At present, labor inclusion of people with visual impairment is a great challenge. Therefore, the Information and Communication Technologies for Disabilities Research Group (TICAD for its acronym in Spanish Grupo de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación Asociadas a la Discapacidad ) held a conference on this topic in order to disseminate good inclusive practices in this field. The conference was led by Pilar Azara Fusteros, from the Spanish National Organization for the blind.

The conference took place in the university library on September 6th; the aim was to give people information about technical and technologies aspects that enable labor inclusion of people with visual impairment and create micro enterprises.

Some of the main topics of the conference were: labor inclusion, profiles, requirements in an interview, ICTs to facilitate labor inclusion. 

The conference was attended by UPS students, people with visual impairment and overall public. "Our students have the right to be included like in other countries. Nowadays, these activities certify the accessibility of different systems in the world", said Alice Naranjo, coordinator of TICAD.

Fusteros said that today there a great number of tools that allow people with disabilities to work autonomously in any job. "Labor inclusion of people with visual impairment helps improve their quality of life and so we must continue to disseminate information about it and create awareness", he said.

During the conference they spoke about the importance of these activities to encourage people with visual impairment to undertake innovative ideas for their labor inclusion.

Businesspeople should understand that people with visual impairment can carry out a good job, but they should respect the requirements of accessibility in order to improve the processes of labor inclusion in our country", said Naranjo.