Erasmus+ KA107 Mobility Program for students

EVENTO Presencial TIPO Académico UPS martes, 5 noviembre 2019
We would like to announce that the Mobility project for higher education students Erasmus+ KA107 is now available for Universidad Politecnica Salesiana (UPS) students who will be able to study at Universidad de Leon (ULE) in Spain.
The program is aimed at students majoring in:
- Business administration
- Biotechnology
- Environmental engineering
- Sports pedagogy
- Basic education
- Early education
- Electricity
- Electronics and automation
- Industrial engineering
- Computing 
- Mechanics
- Mechatronics
- Veterinary medicine
- Number of students who will be chosen for the program: 1
- Length of the program: 5 months
- Financing: 1,500 Euros for the trip and 850 Euros per month
- Students must have insurance to cover their stay during 5 months (
- Studies at Universidad de Leon, in Spain, will be academically recognized in Universidad Politecnica Salesiana. What is there to study at ULE? :
- Students must be officially enrolled at Universidad Politecnica Salesiana and have paid all related costs. Universidad de Leon will not charge anything for enrollment, registration, exams, use of laboratories. 
- Students must be enrolled in the 2019 – 2020 semester at UPS
- Students must have passed at least 50% of the curriculum
- Students must not have any disciplinary sanction 
- Students must not be taking the same subject for the third time
- Students must not have any debt with the university
- Students must have passed the A2 English level or the 6th English level at the university
To enroll students must write an online request to the director of their undergraduate program: 
Yo ______________________, con documento de identificación N°_______________, de la Carrera _______________, solicito postularme en el programa de movilidad Erasmus+ KA107 en la Universidad de León España para el periodo lectivo 56 (2020-2020).   
Mi objetivo es aprobar materias en la Universidad de León para posterior homologación en la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana. 
Nombres y Apellidos: 
Deadline to sign up for the program: November 5th
Results will be published on: November 12th 
Classes in Universidad de Leon will begin on: February 3rd, 2020
Classes will end on: June 30th, 2020
Homologation: up to July 31st, 2020