Shrunken heads (Tsantsa) Celebration

EVENTO Presencial TIPO Cultural Quito jueves, 29 octubre 2015

To celebrate the Day of the Dead (Dia de los Difuntos, in Spanish) the Abya Yala Museum will hold the shrunken heads (Tsantsa) celebration in order to disseminate ancient customs from the shuar nationality and promote interculturality in our society. 

Jempe Juwa, from the shuar nationality, and the UPS Ecuadorian dance group will be at this event.

The entrance is free of charge and will take place in bloque B, campus El Girón, UPS Quito on October 29th at 11am. 

If you would like to take part in this event, wirte  Nataly Orbe:

Phone: 3962800 ext. 2165