2017 Don Bosco Rugby Cup

EVENTO Presencial TIPO Deportivo Cuenca sábado, 29 abril 2017

UPS will hold the “2017 Don Bosco Rugby Cup” in its Valeriano Gavinelli, Gavicho field. This is the sixth edition of the competition and this year there will be 12 male teams and 6 female teams; the competition is organized by the UPS “Carneras” Rugby team.

The male rugby teams that will take part in this year’s competition are: Tiburones ADN Rugby, Monos RC, Yaguares RC and Guayacanes RC from Guayaquil. Cerberos RC and Jíbaros RC from Quito. Águilas RC-UDA, Carneros UPS RC. Gladiadores RC and Veteranos RC.

The female teams are: Guayacanes RC, Jíbaras RC, Cerberas RC, Águilas RC UDA, and Carneras UPS RC.

The competition will begin at 9am, the opening ceremony will be at 10am and will be attended by university officials and team representatives.

Date: April 29th and 30th

Place: UPS, Cuenca