Talk: Paulo Freire's pedagogy

EVENTO Presencial TIPO Académico Quito martes, 20 junio 2017

UPS and its undergraduate programs in pedagogy and intercultural education, along with the Intercultural Education Research Group, invite you to take part in the talk “Freire y las articulaciones con la colonialidad /descolonialidad”. One of the speakers will be Valeria Vasconcelos, professor in the master’s degree program in Education, UNISAL.

The purpose of the talk is to reflect on Paulo Freire's pedagogy, its decolonization potential and contributions in Latin American education. Freire (1921-1997) is considered one of the most important pedagogues of the twentieth century. His theories are based on dialogue and with it, an alternative for the teacher and student relationship. His influence established him as the pedagogue of the oppressed, work that consisted in providing a pedagogy of hope and thereby influence liberating ideas in Latin America, liberation theology and education.

Date: June 20

Time: 10h30

Place: Cándido Rada Auditorium, "El Girón" campus Building B


For more information contact

María Villagomez
