Wireless Network Control System: from theory to practice

Quito, lunes 15 abril 2019
The book Wireless Network Control System; de la teoría a la práctica
The book Wireless Network Control System; de la teoría a la práctica


The book "Wireless Network Control System, from theory to practice" was presented in out branch campus in Quito. The book contains information about the concepts and characteristics of control systems in wireless networks, it is the theoretical basis used to later present an alternative to the PID controller.

The authors, Carlos Pillajo (professor of electronics and automation in our university) and Roberto HIncapie (professor at Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Colombia), state that "the book contributes to the understanding of new paradigms of control theory, which emerged from research studies on control systems, systems that are distributed physically and sensors communicate  with the controller through wireless networks".

José Juncosa, vice president of the university's branch campus in Quito, said "the university has two academic aims: to educate professionals and conduct research in order to write, and just  like we feel satisfied when our students graduate, we also feel satisfied when we write books"

We should not only teach a class, we have a double mission which is to be and to create researchers so that our students are committed to changing reality, said Ramon Perez, director of electronics and automation.