Ethics and theology for our time

Cuenca, viernes 5 julio 2019
The book: Reflexiones éticas y teológicas para nuestros tiempos
The book: Reflexiones éticas y teológicas para nuestros tiempos


The university's Abya Yala Publishing House and the Theology undergraduate program presented the book: "Reflexiones Éticas y Teológicas para nuestros Tiempos", a book that analyzes a society that depends on technology, a new ethical model and the importance of theology.

The authors: Kleber Zuna Serrano, Conrado Giraldo Zuluaga, Cristian Barreto Calle, Jesús Girado Sierra, Verónica Loor Salazar, María Leguízamo Bohórquez and Damián Páez Chalco present topics about respecting life, nature and the environment in general. 

UPS president Javier Herran said the book contains information about people´s current ethical thinking, at a time when technology dominates people. He encouraged professors and students to continue conducting research on techno-scientific innovation.

The comment of the book was done by Juan Morales, professor at Universidad del Azuay and the editor of El Universo newspaper. He highlighted the effort of the authors to present the relation between ethics, science, technology and social responsibility.