Students presented technological, administrative and social projects

Guayaquil, miércoles 4 septiembre 2019
Winners of the best ecological project
Winners of the best ecological project


Students in our branch campus in Guayaquil who participated in the "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Week" from the 27th to the 30th of August recieved their awards. 

Students from several majors presented a total of 52 projects. "It was very pleasing to see first year students presenting their projects, they really worked hard for this competition", said Angela Flores, academic coordinator.

The awards ceremony was presided by Andres Bayolo, vice president of the university's branch campus in Guayaquil; Jaime Zapata, Angela Flores and Fabiola Teran. The winners were:





Cálculo de una variable

  • Renzo Hernández Chacón
  • David Sisalema Celleri








Mejor proyecto innovador

Unidad Potabilizadora de agua

Environmental engineering

Mejor proyecto con énfasis social

Estudio de impacto de consumo de alimentos proteicos hechos a base de harina de grillo en la población infantil de 2 a 8 años con déficit de aprendizaje en Santa Elena



Mejor proyecto ecológico

Sistema purificador de aguas residuales


Mejor proyecto innovador

Espejo inteligente


Mejor proyecto emprendedor

Revotiva T Shirts

Business administration

Mejor proyecto con énfasis social

Micro Teatro: Por un mundo sin discriminación.



Angela Flores believes this activity should be held every year to strenghten and improve students' ideas and projects. "On behalf of the university, I would like to thank and congratulate you on your projects, for your effort and hard work. I hope one day your projects can become a reality", said Andres Bayolo.

Cristian Carchi was the winner of the category best innovative project, "teamwork was a key factor to win the contest, the activity allowed us to develop our idea as best as we could", he said.

Claudia Navarro, said the university promotes these activities to strengthen students' academic and professional skills. "I am happy and thankful to the university and my professors", she said.