UNESCO chairs program, three years in favor of society

Cuenca, martes 3 diciembre 2019
The inclusive fair held in the university coliseum
The inclusive fair held in the university coliseum


The UNESCO chairs: Assistive technologies for inclusive education, celebrated its third anniversary working with children, teenagers and adults in vulnerable situations with the use of innovative support tools based on information and communication technologies.

For the celebration, the university held an inclusive fair in its coliseum, several stands presented educational tools that are intended for children with disabilities, such as a robotic assistant for motor rehabilitation, a robot that is capable of imitating people´s movements, which helps to work in therapies. 

Approximately 100 boys and girls from different schools in the city and 20 older adults attended this celebration. Father Javier Herrán, UPS president, stated, "As we celebrate these three years, there is still a lot more to do and plenty of reasons why we are doing it. By seeing these children, we realize that, if there were no human problems, there would be no young people with feelings of love, affection and commitment conducting research and seeking a better world, a world without committed engineers to help provide better quality life for people."

Fernando Pesantez, general vice president of UPS and director of the UNESCO chairs, said "God has given me many privileges in life, and one of those privileges is to coordinate the chairs program, which has no intention of enrollment, where there are no blackboards, where parents, young people with great intelligence about science, children and older adults, make a very particular chair "

Furthermore, Adriana León, professor at Universidad del Azuay, was awarded a special recognition for her valuable contribution to research and for providing her knowledge to help engineers understand special education and making children's dreams for having technology that brings them closer to education become a reality.