Three new books written by professors were presented in Guayaquil

Guayaquil, viernes 6 diciembre 2019
Presentation of the books
Presentation of the books


The university's branch campus in Guayaquil presented three new books written by our professors and published by the university's Abya Yala publishing house. The books are the result of authors' research and community engagement programs in the university. 

During the presentation there were comments on each one of the books. For the book "Memorias Académica del 5to. Congreso CITIS", Daniel Morán, a research professor at ESPOL, highlighted the importance of the book, which includes dozens of scientific research work produced by UPS researchers who took part in the V International Congress of Science, Technology and Innovation for CITIS Society 2019, an event that offered the national and international academic community a unified communication platform, aimed at covering the theoretical and practical problems of greater impact on modern society of engineering. 

Francisco Vera, head professor of ESPOL, was in charge of presenting and commenting the book, "Estadística para Contadores y Auditores con R" written by professors Oswaldo Navarrete and María Chávez, from the Accounting and Auditing undergraduate program. The book contains statistical topics aimed at professionals interested in doing research in accounting, auditing or another social science.

The third book entitled, "Organizaciones y Sistemas de Información", was presented by Raquel Plúa, Marketing Manager of Reybampac SA. The book is based on the research carried out by professors during their master's degree programs and is divided into four chapters: 

1.- Metodología para la detección temprana de problemas en sistemas de operadoras celulares. 

2.- El flujo de la información de los sistemas de información académica sobre bases de datos federadas. 

3.- Bases de datos autónomas almacenadas en SGBD heterogéneos y su incidencia en el tiempo de obtención de la ponderación de indicadores en autoevaluación de carreras en la ESPOCH. 

4.- Análisis de diseño e implementación de un sistema de respaldo de datos y restauración de la información basado en software AVAMAR. 

Today we have three new books with the direct participation of 28 authors and 50 writers who have indirectly worked on the books. Thanks to the work of the UPS editorial staff and the contribution of the Abya university publishing house – we have managed to have, in a short time, three copies, now available for our students", said Fernando Pesantez; General Vice president of UPS.