María Clara Sharupi, "a women who will not be silenced"

Cuenca, lunes 26 octubre 2020
María Clara Sharupi
María Clara Sharupi


The teacher's group "Languages", which belongs to the communication undergraduate program of Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, in Cuenca, organized the third online literary meeting together with María Clara Sharupi Jua, a writer, speaker and poet originally from the province of Morona Santiago. 

The event was attended by students, teachers and women leaders from different countries who talked about the experiences and work of this Shuar author.

First they presented a video made by two third year communication students; in the video the writer defines herself as a rebellious person, dissatisfied with the reality of historical domination that the Shuar people have lived, in short, she describes herself as a women who will not be silenced. 

Andrea de Santis, director of the communication undergraduate program, stated that the aim of these meetings is to encourage students' love for culture, since it is important that they are capable of communicating in the context they live in.

About her book:

"It is not possible to speak of a single book or a single poem, it is necessary to speak about the work of María Clara Sharupi," said Shuar teacher Santiago Utitiaj, who stated that through the writings of this author it is possible to smell and taste the jungle and the feelings of Shuar men and women and keep their original language alive.

The writer was thankful for being invited to this meeting, especially because it is organized by students and society needs sensitive young people who realize the importance of recovering the word, of being sensitive to nature, of being a "tarimiat", people that raise their voice of protest against injustices, because that is what she seeks to capture in her writings.

The meeting was full of congratulations expressions and pride for the writer; Diego Moscoso, who, on behalf of the National Academy of History of Ecuador, congratulated María Clara Sharupi for having her own voice in Ecuadorian literature. The event ended with the words of the writer, who was very moved, she thanked the attendees, managers and especially Blas Garzón, national director of the Master's degree in Cultural Management and member of the Academy of History of Ecuador.