Project to identify Covid through people´s cough

Cuenca, miércoles 20 enero 2021
The project is carried out with other universities
The project is carried out with other universities


The university's Robotic and Automatic Interaction Research Group (GIIRA) and the Education Research Group is currently working on a project titled "Caracterización de la tos provocada por el COVID-19 en pacientes con diagnóstico positivo". The project is one of the winners of a competition organized by the Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and Academia (CEDIA for its acronym in Spanish).

The aim of this project is to identify the type of cough caused by Covid 19 through the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques and so be able to recognize if the cough is caused by Covid 19 or not. People's contribution is very important to carry out this research; cough from people who do not have Covid 19 and cough from people with Covid 19 is needed to create a data base. 

The following site has been created so that people can contribute by recording their type of cough: ( This will create a data base in order identify types of cough with Covid 19 and other without Covid 19. 

The researchers are: Christian Salamea Palacios (Director of the project), David Romero, Santiago Luna and Fernando Chica, from Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS); Tarquino Sánchez, Xavier Calderón, Jessica Reina and David Naranjo from Escuela Politécnica Nacional (EPN); Javier Guaña from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE).