"Working with people": an experience reflected through academia

Quito, viernes 2 febrero 2018
Javier Herrán, Ph.D., UPS president, signing his book
Javier Herrán, Ph.D., UPS president, signing his book


The university's branch campus in Quito presented the book titled "Trabajando con la gente. Comunicación – acción – participación en comunidades indígenas de los Andes ecuatorianos", written by UPS president Javier Herran, PhD in rural development project planning and sustainable development by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

The book is about the 25 years of work with people from andean communities, it also suggests a methodology based on three aspects: communication, action and participation for development. The key point of the methodology, which is communication, is done through Radio Mensaje, a radio station from the community of Cayambe that helps people speak up.

The research proposes communication for development as the way to achieve changes towards a new equitable society of dignity and coexistence. The comments to the book were made by José Laso, professor at Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar; Fernando Garcés and María del Carmen Ramírez, professor of anthropology and director of the Communication program, respectively. José Juncosa, vice president of UPS's branch campus in Quito, welcomed everyone to the presentation of the book and congratulated the author. He highlighted that "it is a book that demonstrates the form of communication, action and participation of our university," he said.

Garcés said the book is the commitment to development based on planning from the bottom up as a result of dialogue, struggle and collective construction of development actions. He also said Father Herrán invites us to think about the role of academy and the university before a society marked by "solitariness", instead of "solidarity", by the "decomposition" in instead of "communality" and "atomicity" instead of "rationality".

Ramírez said the book proposes communication to build a response to human development. "The communication-action-participation model is a social learning methodology, where planners and the population share knowledge through communication". Laso, on the other hand, contextualized the work of Fr. Herrán in the community of Zumbahua and highlighted his methodological contribution as part of his commitment to action for life.

The author said that the book is a commitment to the work of the University, work for young people and recognition to others. He thanked UPS for being a space of practice and learning together with students, Editorial Abya Yala for producing and disseminating knowledge of communities and the Salesian Inspectorate for allowing him to work with the indigenous communities of Zumbahua and Cayambe.