First anniversay of the UNESCO - UPS program for inclusion

UPS, domingo 10 diciembre 2017
People who attended the event
People who attended the event
A year ago, UPS implemented the Unesco chairs program for Education, Science and Culture on technologies to support educational inclusion. The program provides access, participation and learning to people who for different reasons have been excluded from education, children, young people and adults with disabilities, indigenous people and people in vulnerable situations.
The program began thanks to the university's research groups in artificial intelligence, assistive technology and ICTs for disabilities (Inteligencia Artificial y Tecnología de Asistencia (GIIATA)Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación asociadas a Discapacidad (TICAD) and Educación Inclusiva (GEI)
The following educational institutions attended the event: Unidad Educativa San José de Calasanz, Instituto de Parálisis Cerebral del Azuay (IPCA), Unidad Educativa Especial del Azuay (UNEDA), Fundación HOPE, Unidad Educativa Huayrapungo, Unidad Educativa Especial Nicolás Vázquez de Paute, Unidad Educativa Técnico Salesiano Campus Yanuncay, Unidad Educativa Técnico Salesiano Campus Carlos Crespi. 
The Inspector of Salesian in Ecuador and Chancellor of UPS, Fr. Francisco Sanchez, congratulated the University for this work of Salesian educational action for those who are most in need, and of those who see in inclusion and equity their hope of development and life. UPS President Javier Herrán, showed how the UNESCO Chair project is the result of an initiative that aims to advance and improve the development of research, training and development programs of higher education.
Representatives from the research groups presented their activities that favor inclusion in society:
- Alice Naranjo of the TICAD research group in Guayaquil, spoke about the following projects: manual and sign language course for teachers; meeting of research nurseries with students; quickbraille course; Tic's for the inclusion of people with visual disabilities; accessible educational resource courses for people with sensory disabilities; "NVDA with Windows 8" and introduction to computer science; educational software for institutions; prosthesis for people with disabilities and technical training programs for job placement.
- Vladimir Robles, coordinator of the GIIATA group in Cuenca, presented the software projects on accessibility in virtual learning environments for children with hearing loss; Ecuadorian web accessibility analyzer; assistive technologies; intelligent systems to support special education; Intelligent support in the intervention of children with autism; educational support tools for the Science Classroom for children; prevention and management of glaucoma; diagnosis and psychological intervention in children in vulnerable situations and the scientific production generated during 2017.
- Miriam Gallegos of the GEI group in Quito, presented the work that has been carried out and highlighted the commitment of UPS as a model of quality education with the diagnosis of the inclusion process of students with disabilities in UPS and proposals of improvement; the inclusive culture in the university; continuous training courses: Fe y Alegría, CBM - Creática, 12 courses with technology component; Conferences and conferences of Universal Design of Learning and the publication of good practices of inclusion and Tic's.
Children, teenagers and professors were also the protagonists on this day, there were several stands that exhibited the projects that have been carried out by the research groups of the University, accompanied by the educational centers that were part of the celebration.