The "Paréntesis" theater group presented "A veces la lluvia tiene color Carmesí"

Quito, lunes 24 julio 2017
The "Paréntesis" theater group

During this month of July, the university's theater group "Parentesis" from Quito presented the play titled "A veces la lluvia tiene color Carmesí", which is based on stories written by Gabriel García Márquez, Julio Cortázar, Oscar Wilde and Tennessee Williams.

This play has several stories that were inspired from the stories "Ojos de perro azul, la carta de despedida de Virginia Wolf antes de suicidarse", by Gabriel Garcia Marquez; El ruiseñor y la Rosa, by Oscar Wilde; and the books "La Marquesa de Larkspur Lotion", "Háblame Bajo la Lluvia" and "Déjame Escucharte y Me Remonto en Llamas Grito el Fénix", by Tennessee Williams.

This play was performed in memory of Melanie Montenegro, a member of the theather group who passed away in December 2016. 

The "Parentesis" theater group is made up by 18 students who are led by Professor Juan Pablo Acosta; the following people also contributed in the play: Karla Sánchez, Jonathan Vásquez (scenic assistance), Natalia Robelly (dressing room), Andrómeda Cristina (scenography), German Calvache (lighting), María Del Carmen Calderón (make up).